Workout of the week: 15-min AMRAP metabolic strength workout

ALL LEVELS / AMRAP metabolic strength workout / 15 minutes
Equipment: Dumbbells & gym mat
We’ve recently discussed metabolic resistance training. Yet, in case you missed it, here’s a brief explanation. Metabolic workouts use compound exercises (movements that simultaneously engage more than one muscle group) that raise your metabolic rate. The higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you’ll burn, making it a perfect workout to build muscle and lose body fat.
AMRAP, on the other hand, means as many rounds or reps as you can stand. It’s a type of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) that will increase your endurance, build strength, and test physical capacity.
This AMRAP is for rounds and combines these two strands to build an AMRAP metabolic strength workout. A training session with 6 exercises, each with 10 reps. The goal is to do as many rounds as you can for 15 minutes.
- Curl to shoulder press
- Burpees over mat
- Leaning leg raises
- Deadlift to row
- Dumbbell swings
- Russian sit-ups
When you’re ready, let’s go for it!

- 6 exercises
- 10 reps
- AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
- No rest between rounds
- 15 minutes total
- Equipment: Dumbbells & gym mat
If you don’t have the equipment originally needed for this workout, you can substitute it with these everyday items or use these alternative exercises.
Alternative equipment
- Dumbbells = water bottles filled with water and / or sand
AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
10 reps
- Grab two dumbbells with adequate weight for your fitness level.
- Standing up straight, have the dumbbells resting at your sides with the palms facing inwards.
- Slowly raise your forearms forward until your wrist rests above your elbow.
- Now explosively lock out your arms and raise the dumbbells above your head.
- Hold the position for a second and return to the starting point by reversing the motion.
- Repeat.
10 reps
- Stand tall, parallel to the mat and engage the core.
- Begin the movement by quickly bending down, reaching the hands towards the floor in front of the feet. As you do this, simultaneously jump, bringing your legs back and land on the floor in a push-up position.
- Drive the hips up rapidly and jump into a squat position.
- Then, in a single movement, explosively jump over the mat while returning to the upright position.
- Repeat.
10 reps
- Start by positioning yourself on the exercise mat by making a 45 degrees angle with your back. Use your elbows to support you.
- Keep your legs extended and together.
- Squeeze your lower abs and keep your core tight.
- Then, slowly elevate your feet up towards the ceiling, still keeping them together and straight.
- Go down to the starting position and repeat.
10 reps
- Standing up proud, hold two dumbbells in each arm.
- Now, bend forward until your upper body is slightly above parallel to the ground. Your back should remain under tension/straight throughout the motion.
- Row the dumbbells up and down one time. Bend your elbows and retract your shoulder blades.
- With your arms returned to the lower position, raise your upper body back up.
10 reps
- Hold two suitably weighted dumbbells.
- Hinge your hips and get to a squat position to initiate the swing movement.
- Rapidly drive hip extension to swing the dumbbells upwards.
- Control the downswing with a hip hinge, swinging the dumbbells between the legs and returning to that squat position.
- Repeat.
10 reps
- Start in a supine position, with your legs bent and your feet on the floor hip-width apart.
- Grab a dumbbell with both hands horizontally, stretching your arms. That’s your starting position.
- Engage the core and perform a full sit-up, bringing your arms overhead.
- Return to the starting position, with your core engaged all the time, and repeat.
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