Workout of the week: 40-min Kinesis workout

ALL LEVELS / Kinesis workout / 40 minutes
Equipment: Kinesis One
We’re great fans of the Kinesis One — and you should be too. Despite how futuristic (and, thus, intimidating) this cable-cross equipment might be, it is super easy to use. And it benefits you greatly. First, because it’s versatile: you can do a full workout using just one machine. Then, and most importantly, compared to regular machines that target isolated muscles, using Kinesis One resistance cables requires greater awareness and control over your movements.
With all these benefits, it’s hard to resist trying this Kinesis workout. It has 4 exercises (the last one, unilateral), each with 20 reps. You have to complete 4 rounds, with 30 seconds rest between exercises and rounds. All combined, this workout will take you around 40 minutes to complete.
- Kinesis lunge
- Kinesis row
- Kinesis twisting punches
- Kinesis low to high chop
When you’re ready, let’s do this!

- 4 exercises
- 20 reps each
- 4 rounds
- 30 second rest between exercises and rounds
- Equipment: Kinesis One
4 rounds
20 reps
- Stand with your back to the Kinesis One.
- Hold the cable grips with your hands close to your trunk and arms flexed.
- Step forward, taking a big step.
- Step back putting more strength on your front foot heel and shift your weight to the leg on the back.
- As you reach the starting position, switch legs.
20 reps
- Stand in front of the Kinesis One.
- Hold the cable grips with your arms extended.
- Pull your arms below your chest and let the elbows pull back your trunk line.
- Move your arms forward until you reach the starting position, decelerating the movement while you activate your core.
- Repeat.
20 reps
- Stand with your back to the Kinesis One.
- Hold the cable grips with your hands close to your trunk and arms flexed. Feet parallel at hip width.
- Rotate your ankle to the medial line and let that torque go to the knee and hip.
- As you twist your hip using your abs and glutes, use your chest to stabilize the scapula and extend your arm to the front until your arm is fully straightened.
- Turn to the starting position, first flexing the arm, stabilizing the scapula and twisting your torso to the front position and gyrating the ankle to flat your feet.
- Repeat on the opposite side.
20 reps on each side
- Stand with your back to the Kinesis One.
- Hold one of the cable grips with both hands and arms extended.
- With extended arms and always facing the cable, twist your torso so that the hands get to the hip level. Feet must be pointed to the cable side on a lunge position
- Rotate your ankle to the opposite side and let that torque go to the knee and hip.
- As you twist your hip using your abs and glutes, extend your legs and use your back and chest to stabilize the scapula and elevate your arms until your eye level.
- Turn to the initial position, twisting your torso, and stabilizing the scapula.
- Repeat 20 times on each side.
See? This Kinesis workout was easy. Explore other training sessions below:
- 40-min upper body strength workout
- 15-min AMRAP barbell workout
- 20-min push and pull strength workout
- 12-min endurance workout
- 15-min AMRAP metabolic strength workout
- 10-min AMRAP core workout
- 30-min chest and triceps workout
- 20-min superset workout
- 10-min no-equipment cardio workout
- 12-min kettlebell Tabata workout
- 20-min full-body functional workout
- 20-min metabolic strength workout
- 20-min upper body strength workout