Workout of the week: 14-min full-body HIIT workout

ALL LEVELS / full-body HIIT workout / 14 minutes
Equipment: Gym box & gym mat
Ah, June! With longer and sunnier days in full swing, the time is perfect for you to rev up your workout routine and try a HIIT workout. HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. It involves short, intense bursts of activity followed by brief periods of rest. And the best part? You can do it anywhere, anytime, with no equipment necessary. It’s the perfect summer workout!
So, whether you’re at the beach or in the park, or even if you’re still in the city, you should try this full-body HIIT workout. It has 8 exercises to perform for 20 seconds, with 10 seconds to rest between. With 3 rounds, the whole workout will take 14 minutes to complete.
- Crawl
- Long jump
- Bunny hops
- Box jump
- Crab walk
- Side to side
- Inch worm
- Lateral jumps
Ready? Let’s HIIT it!

- 8 exercises
- 20 sec on, 10 sec off
- 3 rounds
- 14 minutes total
- Equipment: Gym box & gym mat
EVO nurtures natural movement and our workouts, such as this one, usually require little to no equipment and minimal training space, making it easy to perform them everywhere.
3 rounds
20 sec on, 10 sec off
- Begin in a kneeling position with your hands on the floor in front of you. Engage the core and set the shoulders.
- Keeping the torso horizontal, lift the knees a few inches off the floor — this is your start position. You will feel the muscles in your core engage.
- Start crawling forward-moving opposite hand and foot in a smooth, coordinated manner. Try to keep the back horizontal as you move.
- Continue for 20 seconds.
20 sec on, 10 sec off
- Find a space where you have 2-3m in front of you, and stand with feet hip-width apart. Engage the core and set the shoulders slightly, ready for movement.
- Quickly bend the knees and hips (to about a ½ squat position) and swing the arms backwards. Keep the knees over the toes throughout.
- When you hit the lowest position, rapidly extend the hips and drive the arms forwards and up (about a 45-degree angle) to straighten the body and jump forwards.
- Keep the core tight and remain balanced during the leap. As you land, drive the legs forward allowing the knees and hips to bend slightly to absorb the landing.
- Repeat.
20 sec on, 10 sec off
- Squat and get your hands on the floor, like a quadruped.
- With the hands on the floor, jump with the feet held tightly and the knees bent.
- Alternate the weight and balance between legs and arms.
- Keep going for 20 seconds.
20 sec on, 10 sec off
- Stand in front of a plyo box or step.
- Swing the arms back and rapidly drop into the squat.
- As soon as you hit the bottom of the squat, quickly swing the arms arm and extend the hips as you jump onto the box.
- Land into a squat with control.
- Step down and repeat.
20 sec on, 10 sec off
- Begin sitting on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
- Place your palms on the ground slightly behind your hips.
- Raise your glutes around two inches from the ground. This is your starting position.
- Move your right hand forward a few inches and straighten your left leg in front of you at the same time.
- Tap your heel to the ground for a second and immediately return to starting position.
- Repeat on the other side, with your left hand and right leg.
20 sec on, 10 sec off
- Start with your legs more than hip distance apart, with your core tight and a soft bend in the knees.
- Sit back into your hips and gently hop sideways to the left with your left leg leading.
- Reach your right hand towards your left leg and touch the floor. This is one rep.
- Use your core and upper legs to bring yourself back up and hop sideways to the right, reaching your left hand toward your right foot.
- Increase your speed to intensify that cardio power.
20 sec on, 10 sec off
- Begin in a push-up position. Hands shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width apart.
- With the hands fixed on the floor, slowly walk the feet towards the hands keeping the legs straight.
- When you have reached the limit of your hamstring flexibility, keep the feet fixed as you walk the hands forward, returning to the push-up position.
- Repeat for repetitions or time.
20 sec on, 10 sec off
- First, bend your right knee and move your feet over with a small jump, transferring your body weight to the left side.
- Now bend your left knee and move your right foot to the other side with a small jump.
- Make sure you use your arms for balance.
- When you get more familiarised with the movement, you must increase the speed. In no time, you’ll feel like you were rollerblading.
An effective 14-min full-body HIIT workout. Find more workouts below:
- 35-min lower-body strength workout
- 40-min Kinesis workout
- 40-min upper body strength workout
- 15-min AMRAP barbell workout
- 20-min push and pull strength workout
- 12-min endurance workout
- 15-min AMRAP metabolic strength workout
- 10-min AMRAP core workout
- 30-min chest and triceps workout
- 20-min superset workout
- 10-min no-equipment cardio workout
- 12-min kettlebell Tabata workout
- 20-min full-body functional workout