Tutorial: Jump Pull-Up

The jump pull-up allows you to activate your body on a flow mode, by contracting all muscles in a sequence, from trunk and core to glutes and legs.
In this exercise you can associate torso strength, scapular stabilisation, to trunk power strength on different vertical levels. This total combination creates a great functional movement that focuses on lifting the centre of the body mass while concentrating on grip strength.
It involves movements such as climbing, jumping, pulling and descending in a controlled fashion. We can use this movement pattern for instance for rock climbing or basketball playing.
When jumping, grabbing and pulling, you generate a vertical displacement that involves a triple extension mechanism that includes ankle, knee and hip. Combined with pulling movement, we can activate abs, connecting to latissimus dorsi and arms, creating an efficient body movement with load shared by the whole body structure and joints.
- Jump pull-up is a bodyweight pulling and functional exercise
- Builds up trunk strength and stability combined with trunk stabilisation
- Generates power and strength transference from the lower body to upper body
- Standing below the Queenax pull up bar, do a small jump to grab the handles, stabilising your scapula and activating all core muscles
- Seize the jump momentum and pull up your body until the chin reaches the bar or exceeds it
- Turn to initial position decelerating the movement until the arms are extended
- Land gently on the floor
- Increases functional strength and mobility in a full body activation mode
- Promotes core activation
- Promotes coordination
- Promotes joint mobility
- Increases power
- Increases agility