Summer HIIT Workout with No Equipment

Having a solid arsenal of moves that you can do anywhere easily is ideal when the weather warms up. Take advantage of that extra energy buzz that comes with the skin-kissing sunshine, and elevate your exercise to the great outdoors with a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout.
You’ll reap the proven benefits of ‘green exercise’ – improved mood, stronger immune system, a chirpy little confidence boost – all with the right routine to target every muscle from head-to-toe, with a nice added dose of cardio. Want a summer HIIT workout with no equipment, to-go? Coming right up.
The best summer HIIT workout with no equipment
All you need for this summer HIIT workout is your body, mind, and nature. No fitness aids are necessary. The following exercises can be slotted into your roster, which you can use for infinite circuits. For example, you can choose to hit the park and perform 12 minutes of intense training, choosing four of the moves and doing them for 30 seconds, then resting for 30 seconds and repeating for three sets.
When it comes to HIIT, quality is everything. Put in 110% and you’ll be burning fat hours after your workout. Ready?

Perform each of the following moves for 20 seconds each and repeat twice:
● Jumping jacks
● Hip extension
● Side reach
● Squats
- Begin standing and drop quickly into a push-up position.
- Perform the push-up and explosively jump back to your starting position.
- Repeat for five reps.
Mountain climber twists
- Start in a plank position, shoulders over your hands and your weight on your toes.
- Engage your abs and bring your left knee forward to touch your left elbow.
- Return your knee so you’re back in plank position.
- Repeat for 10 reps, switch sides and repeat.
Side-plank push-ups
- Begin in a push-up position and lower your chest to the floor.
- As you push back up, rotate your torso to the left and follow your left hand with your gaze as you lift your left arm and leg towards the sky. Your body should form an ‘X’ shape.
- Hold, then return to starting position.
- Repeat for eight reps, switch sides and repeat.
Bulgarian split squat
- Stand in front of a bench or chair with your feet hip-width apart and your hands in fists under your chin. Your elbows should be by your sides.
- Place the top of your left foot on the bench behind you then squat down until your left knee touches the floor.
- Push through your left heel and return to starting position.
- Repeat for eight reps, switch sides and repeat.
Pause squats
- Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outwards.
- Bend your knees and push back your hips as if you’re sitting into a low chair. Your core should be engaged, chest lifted and back straight.
- Hold this lowered squat position for three full seconds.
- Push through your heels and squeeze through your glutes to return to starting position.
- Continue for two sets of 10 reps.
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