The ultimate HIIT Christmas workout (so you can eat more chocolate)

‘Tis the season to be jolly and we all want to indulge. But with great indulgence, comes great responsibility. To maintain our fitness levels, we have to stay active — no excuses.
At such a busy time of the year, it can be tricky to catch a moment to ourselves, never mind apply ourselves to a workout. That’s where HIIT comes in. The super-speedy nature of this HIIT Christmas workout means it’s easier to fit into your gift-buying, chestnut-roasting schedule.
Think of it as a little Christmas gift to yourself – the gift of improved cardiovascular health, body definition, toning and core strength.

The HIIT Christmas workout to rule all HIIT Christmas workouts
Time is of an essence during this busy time of the year, but our HIIT Christmas workout lasts around 20 minutes (that’s probably less time than it takes to peel the Brussel sprouts).
Before you begin, warm-up thoroughly to avoid pulling cold, tensed-up muscles. Our winter workout warm-up guide article might help.
Christmas HIIT workout
1 – Jumping Jacks
- Stand with your feet together and arms by your side.
- Jump your legs out sideways while bringing your arms above your head.
- Then, bring your feet back together while bringing your arms back by your side.
Repeat for 45 seconds and rest for 15 seconds. Do five rounds.
2 – Burpees
- Start in the squat position with your back straight, knees bent and feet shoulder-width apart.
- Put your hands on the floor just inside your feet.
- Using your hands as the weight-bearers, kick your feet out backwards into a press-up position with your weight now resting on your toes and palms of hands.
- Do one push-up while keeping your body totally aligned (no sagging bottoms please). Jump quickly back onto your feet to where they were at the start.
- Reach your arms over your head and as soon as you land back where you started, get into a squat position and repeat again.
Do this for 45 seconds followed by 15 seconds for rest. Repeat for five rounds.
3 – Russian Twists
- Sit on the floor with your legs at 45-degree angle.
- Your heels should be hovering above the floor.
- Lean your body back with a 45-degree bend in your hips.
- Rotate your torso and tap both hands on the floor to your left.
- Repeat the same to your right side. This counts as one rep.
Repeat for 45 seconds until both side taps are equal and rest for 15 seconds. Do five reps in total.
4 – Butterfly sit-ups
- Lie on your back with your legs apart and knees bent so the soles of your feet are placed together (butterfly position).
- Your hands should be over your head. Now perform the sit-up by sitting up, pushing forward and touching your feet with your hands.
- Keeping your legs and feet in the butterfly position swoop your arm back while moving your torso back to the floor.
Repeat for 45 seconds and rest for 15 seconds. Do five reps.
Still struggling to motivated in the colder months? This’ll help you get out of bed and get into a playful, progressive fitness routine.