Workout of the week: 15-min metabolic strength workout

ALL LEVELS / metabolic strength workout / 15 minutes
Equipment: Kettlebells & dumbbells
When you think about burning calories, you probably picture endless hours on treadmills or cardio equipment. But what if we told you there’s a game changer? Enter metabolic resistance training (MRT). This strategy incorporates a mix of high-intensity and moderate-intensity compound exercises, making sure you’re keeping that calorie burn going strong even after you’ve hit the showers.
Now that you know the perks, it’s time to reap the benefits with this metabolic strength workout. This session takes the form of an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible), comprising 5 exercises with varying reps to complete within a 15-minute window.
- Curl to shoulder press – 10x
- Burpees – 12x
- Goblet squats – 14x
- Single-leg tuck-ups – 16x
- Jumping lunges – 20x
Let’s hit this metabolic strength workout!

- 5 exercises
- AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
- Different reps
- 15 minutes total
- Equipment: Kettlebells & dumbbells
As Many Rounds As Possible
10 reps
- Grab two dumbbells with adequate weight for your fitness level.
- Standing up straight, have the dumbbells resting at your sides with the palms facing inwards.
- Slowly raise your forearms forward until your wrist rests above your elbow.
- Now explosively lock out your arms and raise the dumbbells above your head.
- Hold the position for a second and return to the starting point by reversing the motion.
- Repeat.
12 reps
- Start in a standing position and engage the core.
- Begin the movement by quickly bending down, reaching the hands towards the floor in front of the feet. As you do this, simultaneously jump, bringing your legs back, and land on the floor in a push-up position.
- Perform a push-up and, on the way up, drive the hips up rapidly and jump into a squat position. Return to upright and repeat continuously for reps or time.
14 reps
- Hold two kettlebells, one in each hand.
- Keep your core tight.
- Drive your hips up.
- Keep your weight through the centre of your feet.
16 reps
- Lay down on your back, legs stretched and arms by your side.
- Crunch forward while bringing one knee close to the chest.
- The opposite foot stays straight and touches the ground.
- Finish with hands down by foot that you bring close to the chest.
- Repeat.
20 reps
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, core engaged, and shoulders set
- Jump straight up and split the legs into a lunge, allowing the back knee to drop close to the floor. Keep the core engaged and the torso upright. Use the arms in opposition to the legs to counterbalance the movement (if necessary).
- As soon as you hit the lowest point, explosively jump upwards and split the legs on the other side. Maintain your balance and position throughout the movement.
Now that you have finished this metabolic strength workout, choose your next challenge here:
- 12-min lower-body strength and conditioning workout
- 30-min EMOM full-body workout
- 30-min zone 2 cardio workout
- 15-min lower body strength workout
- 20-min EMOM strength workout
- 30-min upper body strength workout
- 35-min full-body strength workout
- 16-min back and shoulder workout
- 20-min metabolic strength workout
- 25-min shoulder strength workout
- 24-min EMOM lower-body workout
- 20-min functional bodyweight workout