Tutorial: Shoulder Foam Roll

We promise from now one there will be no need to be looking over your shoulder anytime soon. This is how you perform the shoulder foam roll. It’s an excellent exercise to improve shoulder mobility and develop flexibility.

- The shoulder foam roll is an excellent exercise to improve shoulder mobility.
- As well as a great warm-up and cool-down exercise, it is also useful as a corrective exercise for those lacking a full range of motion in overhead movements.
- Lie on your side with knees bent and place the foot of the top leg on the ground for support/balance.
- Place the foam roller parallel to the body under the lower shoulder. The lower arm should be bent with the hand placed on the opposite shoulder.
- Slowly roll back and forth across the back of the shoulder, breathing deeply.
- Enhance this shoulder foam roll exercise by changing the angle of the foam roller to target the entire area.
- Repeat for repetitions or time.
- Adequate shoulder mobility is a common limitation with any overhead movement. If the arms can’t reach a robust overhead position, there is often compensatory motion in the low back (arching) in an attempt to maintain balance. Therefore, it’s crucial to increase shoulder mobility to improve efficiency and reduce the risk of injury.
- Poor posture, sedentary lifestyles and poor exercise technique can all contribute to a forward shoulder position. Over time, this may cause tightness around the posterior shoulder capsule. While regular stretching may help, the addition of this shoulder foam roll exercise will also help to break down any knots and adhesions in the fascial tissue.
- Additional benefits can be gained from this exercise by exploring a different body and arm positions. For example, leaning the body into or away from the foam roller will allow you to target specific tight or stiff areas. Another great mobility technique is to find a tight spot, then hold this position while you slowly straighten the arm and move it overhead.