Christmas weight gain: fact or myth?

Twinkling lights adorning the streets, carols in the air: yes, it’s that time of year again. Christmas and its manifold joys are here.
However, amid this unique blend of enjoyment and togetherness comes the eternal question: how much weight will I put on this season? We get it: it’s hard to resist the alluring feast of tables overflowing with tempting treats, chocolates and drinks that punctuate the holiday season.
But is this notion of Christmas weight gain grounded in scientific reality, or is it merely a seasonal myth perpetuated over the years? Let’s find out.
Christmas weight gain: fact or myth?
It’s a common assertion that the average person gains around 2 kg or more over the holiday period. However, it is worth delving into the veracity of this claim and examining the extent to which it holds. And on that note, there’s both good and bad news.

As usual, we deliver with the bad news first: regrettably, studies confirm that weight gain during this season is a reality. However, here comes the silver lining — the good news is that this weight gain is minimal, and the increase typically happens after the holidays.
A few reasons why this weight gain is more mythical than substantial include:
- People tend to eat less before the holidays. This pre-holiday “damage control” can help offset any potential weight gain.
- It’s a short-term indulgence. We tend to loosen our dietary reins during this season. However, Christmas festivities last only a few days. To substantially gain weight, you need a consistent overconsumption of calories compared to those burned.
- Post-holidays adjustments. New Year’s is the quintessential season for embarking on diets, enrolling in gyms, and adopting healthier behaviours overall.
Avoiding Christmas weight gain
Now, as you’ve come to terms with the possibility of putting on a little weight during the holiday season, you may wonder: how can I balance between maintaining my weight and still enjoying the festivities? After all, that’s a vital aspect of the season. Here are a few tips that might help:
1 – Eat slowly
Christmas is all about savouring the moment, so why not take the philosophy to the table and eat thoroughly and enjoy your meals? Eating slower has been proven to be a great ally in reducing the intake of food, since it fosters a sense of fullness, acting as a preventive measure against overindulgence.
2 – Establish a “Christmas Walk” tradition
It’s okay to skip workouts during this season. The main goal is to enjoy time with your family and loved ones. That is a great opportunity to start new traditions, like instituting a Christmas Walk tradition. It can be a fun activity that gets you off the table and burns a few calories.
3 – By all means, enjoy
Embrace the holiday spirit and savour those delectable treats without obsessing over your weight. It’s your chance to relish every moment, reduce stress, and truly delight in the festivities. So, go ahead, enjoy a guilt-free Christmas, and make this season unforgettable!