6 benefits of treadmill/ indoor running
Running outdoors has a string of advantages. It’s the most natural form of movement, allowing you to mix up training with a multitude of terrains. Hit a hill and your carves will feel the impact. Run down a bank and you’ll feel it in your quads. You can do it anywhere and at any time, with fresh air and stunning views.
But swapping the trails for a treadmill can sometimes pay off. For many of us, there are a few drawbacks of pounding the pavements that can be resolved with an indoor running session. Here are the benefits of treadmill training:
1. All-weather workout
When we’re running outdoors, we’re at the mercy of the elements. If a thunderstorm hits, you’re probably going to have to call the long run off. If it’s icy, you run the risk of falling and sustaining an injury. Weather changes, so dressing appropriately can be a challenge – no one wants to be boiling or freezing during a session. You can hit a treadmill whatever the weather – and since the gym’s warm you can do it all in one layer, meaning ease of movement for a more natural run.
2. Less chance of jolting
While the mix of terrain helps give you a full-body workout, much outdoor running is on pavements – especially in urban environments. Hitting firmer ground can jolt your joints and cause knee pain. If you suffer from shin splints, outdoor running could actually be quite painful. Softer treadmills absorb more impact, with incline settings to create lighter landings, resulting in less damage to your joints.
3. Accurate data
Goaldiggers, rejoice. Running on a machine allows the most accurate recording of your performance. You can monitor your heart rate, speed, distance and an estimation of calories burned. This allows you to tap into your progress and tweak your workouts according to your fitness statistics. Of course, this can all be done running outdoors – but you need to invest in the equipment and set it all up before each run in the first place.
4. You’re in control
Running the same outdoor route every day can be limiting. Our innovative treadmills come with a range of exciting workout plans, meaning you can switch things up as often as you want. You might want to focus on uphill ascents or upping your speed – a treadmill will give you the power to alter more variables. You can also control your running pace, which can be tricky to stay on top of outdoors. This way, you don’t overexert yourself and can build endurance.
5. More likely to find a running buddy
It’s especially hard to find someone willing to brave the cold during winter months. Taking your running regime indoors means you’re more likely to find a friend who will want to join you – meaning you’ll both be more motivated to hit your targets.
6. Technology to distract
Ever find yourself getting bored after a few miles? While outdoor scenery arguably can’t be beaten, newer treadmill models come equipped with in-built entertainment systems. You can listen to your most kickass jam or even catch up with your favourite sitcom – distracting the brain from quitting the session and keeping you moving.