4 exercises to improve your posture

It’s not easy to improve your posture these days, with many studies confirming what’s clear to see — the way we’re sitting and moving is getting worse. Mobile phones, office jobs, commuting on trains and cars for long hours: they all add to aches, pains, and, potentially injuries.
Taking steps to improve your posture can benefit everything from organ and muscle health to your emotional state. And the good news is, you can start right now. Stand taller and improve your posture consistently and progressively by bringing these four exercises into your workout routine.
Area improved: Shoulders
- Start lying flat on the ground with the tops of your hands beside you, your knees bent and your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Push through your heels and exhale as you raise your hips from the floor, keeping your back straight.
- Slowly inhale as you lower your hips and back to the starting position.
- Repeat for 2 sets of 12 reps.
- Follow the steps above in this video.

Area improved: Core
- Begin lying on your back with your palms on the floor by your side.
- Embrace your core and exhale as you lift both legs off the floor, keeping them straight with your knees locked.
- Hold for 30 seconds.
- Inhale as you lower your legs to the starting position.
- Repeat for 2 sets of 10 reps.
Area improved: Back
- Stand with your feet around 20 centimeters away from the wall, with your back, buttocks, shoulders and head against the wall.
- Keeping your spine neutral and your arms by your sides, draw your navel toward your spine and let the middle of your back touch the wall.
- Tuck your chin slightly to guide the back of your head to touch the wall (if this is too difficult try placing a small pillow behind your head).
- Now, reach your arms straight up, placing the back of your hands on the wall in a ‘V’ position.
- Bend your elbows as you slide your hands down the wall, bringing your hands above your shoulders.
- Continue to lower your elbows until you feel a stretch (not pain).
- Hold for 5 seconds then return to the ‘V’ starting position.
- Repeat for 10 reps.
Area improved: Neck
- Begin seated on the floor with your knees bent in front of you and your feet flat.
- Place your hands behind you with your fingers facing forward
- Softly bend your elbows and draw your shoulder blades backward, raising your upper chest while keeping your hips on the floor.
- Pull your chin back towards your chest until you feel a stretch below your collarbone.
- Hold for 30 seconds then release back to the starting position.
- Repeat for five reps.
Repeat these exercises over and over again and watch as you begin to stand taller and more confidently. If you want extra guidance to improve your posture, book in for a personal training session with an EVO trainer, who can keep your form on point throughout.